- MVS V5 Workload Manager
– Goal Mode - DB2 Data Sharing
- Client Server Applications
Workload Manager, in Goal Mode, has added new complexities for the DB2 performance analyst – to ensure that the MVS system is properly configured for a DB2 environment.
Many installations are blindly charging off into Data Sharing without having done the basics of DB2 System tuning first. If the base DB2 systems are not properly tuned, and the buffer pools set up properly, performance will be dramatically worse in a Data Sharing environment.
The tuning of the Coupling Facility is really the easy part, if there is enough memory available… but the tuning of the base DB2 systems will provide the greatest payback.
SMS is a great productivity product for the DASD management staff. If thing are set up properly using the ACS facilities, it can do a great job. Any installation that just “gives the world” to SMS, without doing the up-front work, will absolutely have massive DASD performance problems.