Wait time is: 63.1% of C2 elapsed
Overhead ratio is: 1.35
In DB2 time: 43.9%
Looking at an application’s performance data can provide immediate insights into the overall system, the buffer pool performance, and the design of the application. The data above shows that the application is getting good service from the processor because the overhead ratio is good.
However, two problems should jump out as you perform some simple calculations.
1. With 63.1% of the class 2 elapsed time as ‘wait’ time, the buffer pool performance is poor – and there is probably a dasd performance problem as well.
2. Applications should create the connection to DB2, do their work, and complete. When the ‘in-DB2 time’ is low compared to the class 1 time, the application is usually suffering from a poor design. Optimally, we want to see class 2 time around 95% of class 1 time.
The poor buffer pool and dasd performance are often much easier to fix than the application design issues.